A Literate

Elocute, eloquent Elephant
Confess consciously; cry courageously.
Please, pachyderm, pardon
Our orders, obliging obedience.
We want what’s warranted
For full finality.
Absolve, abject Aardvark.
Forgive fully; find forbearance.
Mind, mammal, motive-
Simple slips supplant
Evil entirely; every end
Ultimately, unintentionally uttered.
Begin, both, bereft
Of obfuscating obluquy,
Rebuild relations rationally.
Model mercy moreover,
Express eagerness every
Query; quell quarrel.
We will walk
Together today, tall
Proud, putting pettiness
Behind, begging beauty,
“Hold heavy hearts high,
Let light lead.”
Let light lead.
With words, we work.
Waking, watching weapons,
Relinquished relics, remind
Humans how horrible
Are anger and avarice and antipathy.
Let light lead.
more by VK LYNNE
photograph by Jay Mantri