Sand – Part Four
Serial Fiction I clocked out about ten minutes after I clocked in. Maddy and me tried to keep conversation, but the air was a little to heavy for that. We mostly just rode the...
Short stories & poems for everyone from everyone
Serial Fiction I clocked out about ten minutes after I clocked in. Maddy and me tried to keep conversation, but the air was a little to heavy for that. We mostly just rode the...
Short Story Alex emerged from the bathroom at just the right time, drying his hands on his apron. Wendy and Jennifer broke their conversation and turned their backs on one another. He stopped in...
Serial Fiction Madeline and I have been friends since middle school, sometimes more and sometimes less. After my discharge, I spent more than a few months drifting around Chicago, getting drunk when I felt...
Short Story Jennifer slammed her car into park, causing the entire frame to rock like a boat on the ocean. Yanking her keys out, she shoved open the door, locked it as she got...
Horror Story Shutting the door of her room gave Jennifer an enclosed, cocoon sensation that made her knees weak and her eyelids heavy. She emptied her pockets of their contents and dropped them on...
Short Story After a relatively routine work day, and increasingly more routine parking ticket, Jennifer spurred her clunker of a car back to her driveway without falling apart. Her mother’s car was parked beside...
Short Story I’ve been getting more angry than usual. Ever since I got home, the tiniest little shit can manage to set me off like a firecracker. I vaguely remember being an easygoing...
Short Story After a muttered, quiet phone call, Alex sat at one of the tables and patiently crossed his legs. In the meantime, Wendy had emerged from the kitchen, her hair tied in a...
Short Story I blink. I’m back in front of the kitchen sink, shredding old photographs down the garbage disposal. I’ve got two cigarettes, one between the remaining three fingers on my left hand...
Short Story “The way I see it,” Alex finally continued, “just working in a place so bright and colorful and sweet, that makes people so happy, just makes me feel good.” Alex’s appearance, meanwhile,...
Short Story About the time Jennifer was old enough to leave elementary school, her mother bought a dog; a golden Pomeranian she had named Cosette, or something as equally asinine for an animal....
“I found a dog today,” said Aaron. “He was walking around near where the subway used to be. I tried to call him closer, but he was scared of me. I put a little...