Catching Up
Lucas Howard
3 February 2015
I feel the ache in my hip
while running for the bus.
At this time of the day
it’s full of pensioners.
As I sprint with hopeful
but ever fading youth,
I am quite concerned
I may be catching up.
Photograph by Matthew Wiebe

Views: 47
Tags: growing oldnew poetrypoempoem 20
Lucas Howard
When I was seven I started copying poems out of a book and telling people they were mine. When I ran out of good ones to copy, I had to start writing my own.
I have been performing and organising nights on the UK spoken word scene now for over seven years and am most of the way through writing the first draft of my first novel 'Zedlist', which is serialised on here. As the story is in fetal form, any critiques or suggestions are most welcome.
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