Contemplations for a Sparrow

I have some contemplations for a sparrow
When you perch
Wrap your claws around
Do not flap your wings
The wind will rustle the leaves
And you may judge yourself clinging
But in truth you perch
Always you have been perching,
Even while you believe you are clinging
You perch
When you chirp
Your chirping is a sweet song
But often you sing so that others will listen
And when they cannot hear you,
You believe you cannot sing
Open your heart,
Sing your sweet melody
But firstly for yourself
The music of your heart is your truth
And no one else can hear it
Always you have been chirping
Even when your beak is closed
Your Song remains
When you flutter
Your fluttering is beautiful.
It is true, sometimes you do flap about, and concern yourself too much with the currents, and the movements of the flock
And you wonder if you have the right wings.
But, you have never needed these wings in order to fly
There is this desire to be seen
And when they cannot see you,
You believe you cannot fly
Your truth is not in the doing,
but rather in the being
Open your wings,
Feel how the heavens lift you up
It is not you who does the flying
Verily, you are flown
In the quiet of the night
all alone
you have flown
where no eyes fell upon you
Return to this knowing self
This oneness is your truth
and only you can see it!
Your spirit has always been free
They call you a bird, a sparrow
They call me a branch,
Always I am here for you
when you return to me
you return to yourself
We are never alone,
when we are with ourselves.
Always I am with you,
when I am with me.
Photograph by Nomadic Lass