Electric Sparks

Slowly waking, one by one,
A hive of glowing fireflies:
I watch them burning to life
Wondering what dreams they’re dreaming
What each one is thinking
Alone in his glowing cell;
Bright angels in prison.
Your fur crackles with sparks
I can see you huddled in the dark.
And I can see your eyes, watching.
There is a knowing gleam in your glance
That the candle-light catches;
It unnerves me.
My head screams out:
What do you know?
I want you to map it all out for me,
Get it down in pen and ink:
Show me how they were mocking me,
Why are you hiding that smile?
Thick, puddingy slime drips down my neck:
Slick, cool, red, stained black with rot.
Blood? This doesn’t surprise me
It’s relaxing just to lie here in the growing pool.
I can feel the shock in my brain,
Electricity ricochets from every rafter
My eyes are fading but I can still see
The dark stars rising above a sea of blue wheat.
The clouds are wheeling by in the stormy sky,
I feel black feathers brush my face
As my heart moves in its last beat,
As my eyes are closing…
more by Lëaf Ednïwinga
photograph by Joao Silas