Gothicarus: Part IX – Mantra

“Ever awake, I must remain
Ever vigilant, sharp, and pure.
Able to make a firm assay
Of the energy in my sphere.
Never alone with temptation,
Never indulge with thought or flesh
The dread disease of Perdition,
The dark infection I confess.
All would have me bright and easy,
All claim salvation is in reach.
Gentle souls would try to teach me
How to mend the spiritual breach.
None can know the depths within me,
None would dare take the macabre swim,
Into oceans filled with mystery,
Allegories and stories grim.”
next chapter: Gothicarus X
previous chapter: Gothicarus Part VIII: A Timid Spring
all chapters: Gothicarus
more by VK LYNNE
photograph by Evan Kirby