poem about hope 2

Hope is a Dangerous Beast

Total: 0 Average: 0You must sign in to votePoem   Everything looks gigantically for your sake little man freedom does that to you how long till you can see it all you ask the...

haibun haiku 2

Pre-Smuggs Insomnia

Total: 0 Average: 0You must sign in to voteHaibun Poetry   It’s a quarter to one in the morning. Cricket songs, and the ever-present drone of Thruway traffic, pass through our open bedroom windows....

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Sand – Part Ten (Finale)

Total: 0 Average: 0You must sign in to voteSerial Short Fiction   The elevator doors slide open, more quickly than I thought. Stepping into the lobby, I go cold. A sleepy receptionist is sitting...

rhyming poem about summer 2

Dirty Photos

Total: 0 Average: 0You must sign in to votePoem   The night is hot and long summer! Talks and smokes, drinks to keep us cold all day long Smiles and laughter but my blood...

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Use Your Mind

Total: 0 Average: 0You must sign in to votePoem   above ground always accepted and always admired you shared your thoughts with me while I looked in the distance half listening there was something...