It Is so Easy to Be Kind to Strangers

Moral Life Poetry
These creatures listen and focus on you
Like you were the only person in the universe
It is the moment of discovery that ruins it all
What’s beyond the surface makes them fall
It is so easy to be kind to strangers
You already have a screenplay in your mind
And do not improvise
Because you don’t need to
They know their lines,
Too well, they do
It is so easy to be kind to strangers
You can pretend to be anyone
The prostitute from Denmark Street
Or the drunk crying in the Red Lion pub
Even a poker player as far as they believe you
Or just an addict in love with bluebells
It is so easy to be kind to strangers
You find yourself doing things you never expected to be doing
Smile to a child
Comfort an old chap
Not judge a skirt too short
Be blind to a skin mark
Think to be deaf
It is so easy to be kind to strangers
So who are they if not friends?
photograph by Sascha Kohlmann