Image Curve Blog

Hair in the Eye 0


My mother shrieks in the shower. I look up, see her holding a chunk of reddish-brown hair. She gets out, dries, dresses, and now it’s everywhere – in the drain, on her sweater, a...

poem about letting go 0


Poem   If my heart were a hand you would be the hangnail that, no matter what size or sharpness of tweezer I use to pry you from between the dry, exposed skin and...

Sci-Fi Serial Fiction 0

Jopp’s Folly – Part Five

Science Fiction Pa Nui has no atmosphere, as it’s essentially a colossal floating space station, so the buildings are connected to each other by a honeycomb of enclosed walkways and tramlines. In an effort...

science fiction crime stories 0

Cosmic Caper – Part Five

Science Fiction Deilan took one look at the guards encircling them and immediately dropped to his knees. He shrieked, “Please don’t shoot! I’m a real agent! These criminals hijacked my cruiser and forced me to go...

fantasy short story 0

Forgotten Dreams

Fantasy Short Story   I found myself standing within a small, circular room, about two metres in height. My head ached and I was unaware of how I got to be there, so I...

struggle poem 0


Poem   The fur around her neck stirs in a puff of chill wind Each hair covered in glistening drops of frost. Her eyes look up as the birds pass by overhead. Their silence...

Doggone 2


Short Story Our drive to the lookout point has been rather unsettling for me. We must’ve driven this trip a hundred times when we were first dating. I remember, we had nicknamed it our...

surreal poetry 0

The Art of Letting Go

Poem   The creature of my memory collage Came creeping out the subway yesterday It licked its fur as it was dirty And looked perplexed at all the people walking Keeping their distance It...