Seen and Unseen Apple Trees

I see the apple tree. It’s dark-gray and brown, ridged bark, with Y-shaped branches splitting upward like outstretched arms from its knotted trunk. Its leaves fill every branch. The 2 x 4 Dad and I nailed onto the trunk below the split, so Frankie could plant his foot to climb it.
I see him in it. And us playing tag in the backyard using this apple tree as a base. I hear his laughter and shouts as I tickle him while he stands between the branches.
I don’t see another apple tree in a small yard next to a concrete patio. One with a similar, Y-shaped split branch growing from a similar knotted trunk. One that also possessed a full canopy, and up which I climbed and played with Dean and other friends.
robin songs an unflowered apple tree awaits autumn
Photo by Kai Dörner