Smuggler’s Notch 2012 Travelogue, Part IV

August 23rd
We ascend Stowe Pinnacle, eat lunch, snap photos and gaze at the valley below. I mind my steps descending the trail. It leveled off; I let my focus wonder just a moment. Then my right ankle turns. I overcompensate with my left leg. Lose my balance. Fall. My thigh throbs as I lay on my side.
Stone or root
Fresh contusion
I hold Frankie’s ankles. He races up the lawn on his hands, dragging me behind him. He drops belly-first onto the grass as he crosses the finish line. Right in front of me! In spite of my injured thigh, I hurdle him.
Vermont Country Fair
Rain clouds gather above the
Horseshoe of booths
next: Smuggler’s Notch 2012 Travelogue, Part V
previous: Read Smuggler’s Notch 2012 Travelogue, Part III
photograph by Wil Stewart