Smuggler’s Notch 2012 Travelogue, Conclusion

Haibun Poem
August 25th
158 Main is mobbed during breakfast. We’re seated at a booth next to their bakery display case. Feeling ignored. Somehow our waitress arrives with a hot coffee refill for which we hadn’t had the opportunity to ask.
savoring each bite
of Main’s country breakfast
bleached paneling
The waterfalls we came to see of Rt. 108 hardly have water falling. The rapids at the top of the gorge roar louder than at the falls at the bottom.
sunlight on wet rocks
our smiles captured on a
palm camera app
Notchville Park: a fun afternoon. Mountainside Pool, DJ Party — not so much. Frankie and David at the Fun Zone together? Priceless.
kids racing
through inflatables
echoes of laughter
previous: Smuggler’s Notch 2012 Travelogue, Part V
photograph by Jeffrey Workman