The Smuggs Chronicle – Part Four

Haibun Poetry
Fourth Day: August 21, 2013
Nearly the entire Meadowlark trail lies bathed in sunlight. Mira walks on its shoulder wherever she can find shade. I feel short of breath long before the steep climb to Rum Runners’ Hideaway.
“The sun wears us out,” Mira says.
Yes. The sun. That must be it!
shriveled grass
one step over the summit:
mountain reservoir
The water drives away any sensation of heat. A winter-like chill envelops and numbs me through and through. I stroke toward the nearest floating dock. Another dive, another artic swim to the climbing rope ladder, then a return to the dock from which I begin.
I climb out, finished for the day.
sunbathing bench
towering above the lake
Madonna Peak
“Nice night!”
“Cool night!”
“Hot fire!”
“Party all day! Party all week! Party all month! Party all year! Party all life!”
Goodtime Charlie leads the dozens of families that gather for the weekly Smuggs campfire, the highlight of the family activities. Kids impatiently wait to roast marshmallows while singing classic favorites: “Bingo,” “Old McDonald,” “She’ll be Coming ‘Round the Mountain.”
Not to mention the adult favorites.
When Charlies yields the stage, Frankie leads the horde to the bonfire, roasting his marshmallow.
And devouring his s’more.
full moon
walking the Meadowlark trail
searching for stars
read from the beginning: Pre-Smuggs Insomnia, the Prequel
photograph by Kate Tandy