Tagged: family

Short Tragic Stories 3

The Storm Woke Me

Short Story   I was dreaming. I was dreaming of us. You and me. You were here. Lying next to me. I could feel your breath on my cheek. We ate scrambled eggs and...

action fiction 0

Russian Roulette

Short Story   She stood among the crowd of thousands of people in the Red Square. All were waiting for the countdown to mark the new year, a new millennium, but she was waiting...

Inspiring Short Stories, Old and Happy 0


Inspiring Short Stories   Isaiah stepped from the warm foyer, closed the front door and into the crisp morning air. The sweetness of a new day and the stillness of the empty street caused...

Short Family Stories, Butterfly 2

Butterfly Words

Short Family Stories Gretchen’s eyebrows knitted together as she pushed against the wheels of her chair. Things that used to be easy weren’t so easy anymore. As she approached her dressing table a face...

impending loss fiction 0


Short Story   Dad said he heard Coyotes around midnight every night. He slept on the couch a lot, which made it hard for him to sleep. The television would be on quietly until...

Looking Back, short story about generations 0


Short Story Grandmother sits in her hospital bed, tracing the veins down her arms. They are a spectacular blue tonight, a shade she hadn’t seen before. Especially the one on her ring finger, twisting...

woman on yellow background laughing 0

Time Travel; Before Change, Still Hope

Spoken Word Tight curls diligent enough to wrap around the idea of my finger large eyes soaking up the world like the biscuit Momma made; every last drop of gravy belonged to it like...

fiction about death 1

As Is the Beginning, Is the End

Short Story   Jeanne Ann Westveer was born in 1935. Jeanne married John Frederick Girard Rooks in 1960. She is the mother of my mother, making her my grandmother. When I’m writing this, my...

Murder Story 0

You Killed Them

Murder Story Rain falls surrounding Ben. It drips from his nose and hair as it pours. He stands unmoving, staring down at the headstone of his father and mother on the three-year anniversary of...

poems about contentment 0


Poem   The wheels on this rickety country bus continue humming along the warm pavement, turning, just as time turns and ushers me towards that place where you are wherever that is whoever you...