Tagged: installment 2

Short Winter Story, Frozen Road 0

A Guide to Winter Driving – Part Two

Short Fiction   Having gotten the feeling back into his hands, Tony decided to risk a trip outside just to get another look.  The flurries of frightened snow continuously fled across his field of...

Child on the Street 2

Night Lights – Part Two

My mother always used to tell me that before I was born she could feel me with her, like a glow around her. She said she felt looked over, protected. Now all I can...

Hong Kong 2

Dog Food – Part Two

A dull thud, followed by soft movement, woke him. Sleepy and cold, he lay concealed by the blankets, his ears poised to catch another sound. A clattering, scratching on wood, a whooshing sound, a...

Zedlist 4

Zedlist – Part Two

‘Celebritydeathlist.com’ listed fifty celebrities considered most likely to die each year, as voted for by the dedicated curators of the site. The names got checked off with a skull and cross bones as each...

Bad Dream 2

The Dream – Part Two

She awoke with her alarm clock blaring. The sun cast translucent shadows onto her bed. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly. The dream again. It had felt so real. Her blood rushed through...

Moon 3

Moon – Part Two

A noise sounded behind her and her hands rushed to cover herself as she spun, sending waves cascading across the pool. Standing above her, a shadow, bearded and terrible to behold, rising out of...