Blackbird Artist
Poem Something drips, Thick like candle-wax, Warm like blood, From the top of the canvas down to the bottom, Making a jet-black streak on the blinding white. A pair of wings shadows the...
Short stories & poems for everyone from everyone
Poem Something drips, Thick like candle-wax, Warm like blood, From the top of the canvas down to the bottom, Making a jet-black streak on the blinding white. A pair of wings shadows the...
Poem Someone dropped you (a rose,) on Коstenka street: I found you while I tramped the crunchy road, As I skidded on Karaganda sidewalk-sleet, Down the snowy, boot-printed lane, Shivers slinging from my...
Poem Slowly waking, one by one, A hive of glowing fireflies: I watch them burning to life Wondering what dreams they’re dreaming What each one is thinking Alone in his glowing cell; Bright...
Flash Fiction Number three Once upon a time there was a Hippie called Phil. His neck was long as well as his arms. He had red hair and a black skin. His feet...