Tagged: new fiction

fiction about childhood 1


Short Story   Tommy left home a lot. He would come over and hangout. We would play in an old play set outside my house. He didn’t talk a lot. There was woods across...

science fiction about aliens 2

Cosmic Caper – Part Seven

Science Fiction “Turn around slowly.” Jorwei and Haaga turned cautiously to find a haggard looking guard holding an autoshot carbine in each hand. Jorwei spoke calmly, “Okay, you got us… take it easy…” “Shut...

action science fiction 0

Cosmic Caper – Part Six

Science Fiction Haaga wiped green blood off his blade as the servant, Oorlo, led them out of the lounge, through a deserted kitchen, and into a maintenance hallway. “It should be a while before they...

black magic fiction 0

Cupcakes and Fingernails – Part Fifteen

Short Story She eventually found another stretch of hallway on what could have been the eastern side of the building. Boarded windows lined the right-hand wall, letting in slightly more light through their cracks...

fiction about inventors 0

The Rocket

Short Story The morning had a crisp chill to it that had only just started to give way to the sun that creeped lazily over scattered clouds. Between rolling clover-covered hills a red barn...

fiction about alcohol 0

The Mystery Of Miss Marie

Short Story   Thursday morning was not good. I awoke lost in shattered memories with regretful sighs as the previous night’s spirit still lingered. I threw the blanket from my body only to realize that...

fiction about thieves 2

To Be A Thief

 Short Story   Please, Sylvia, let me think. Even in the dark, I could see the panic in her eyes as she desperately tried not to curse aloud, once again mouthing, Hurry. Rubbing my...