Tagged: night
Sing Your Chant
Poem The day is the yellow of a sun. And the sky is smiling back through lands and grass as green as thousands emeralds and the beach is kissed by waves as blue as...
Mourning of the Morning
Poem There were blues in the hues of the morning, mourning the end of night. There, too, were warm rays of sunshine upon the heads of early doves. Words were absent from the...
Educational Sights
Haibun Brightly decorated bulletin boards show off fraction worksheets and reading logs. A table outside Ms. Flynn’s classroom has a ball suspended in water or a magnet-with magnets around. Frankie, Stephan, James and another...
Blossoming Terrors
Haibun The Japanese Maple grew in the center of 52 Holland’s front yard. Its long branches stretch to the sky like a petitioning priest. Its maroon foliage crowns the tree like a lion’s...
Another Day Passes
Haibun The sky deepens from blue to violet. The last dull, orange line above the darkened Ramapo Mountains fades. A distant cloud carries a hint of it along. Twilight comes. It’s Friday. The...
Pre-Smuggs Insomnia
Haibun Poetry It’s a quarter to one in the morning. Cricket songs, and the ever-present drone of Thruway traffic, pass through our open bedroom windows. We’ll be on our way to Smuggler’s Notch...