Poem There is a girl who sits on the wooden floor, no roof; The clouds floating by overhead as if down a river. She sits there in the sunlight, sorting leaves, Pushing them in...
Short stories & poems for everyone from everyone
Poem There is a girl who sits on the wooden floor, no roof; The clouds floating by overhead as if down a river. She sits there in the sunlight, sorting leaves, Pushing them in...
Inspirational Love Poems Of all things that pass away, Love prevails. Love is deep. It seeps through every aspect of our lives, Filling them in irreversible ways. When someone leaves us, Their love stays...
Poem In the darkest tunnel after shadows black and long. He awaits me, with his hands towards me… I am walking like a ghost not afraid of the misty clouds and the cold...
Poem I do lament he does not call I am bereft Sagacious Moon I am Withal I cast a Spell and he shall Fall oh Tallest, Tall, of Tall there be take this...
Challenging, tingling rows of leather boots tramp down your skin – not for lack of knowledge of what’s about to end Harmony in the flag’s submissive, limp dance in the wind a sorry whimsical...
Poem Tigers eating lemon flavored teardrops The dream seeps and drips The frozen stain in the back of your mind. An orange scarf left behind, floating in the wind, weaving between the waves of...
Poem At this height the attempt to tempt fate and take flight is tempting, but once you’re descending it’s too late to think twice. I feel like spreading my wings and giving in to...
Poem I sit on my desk, the rain is falling, an open window, thoughts are coming, passing by like train in fields of flowers, like night in day, it’s light in darkest hours…...
Poem Speaking into my heart Awakening its every sensation When you weakened it, it fell flat Niagara waters fell with less translation. Arise I say, my weaken soul for a new life becomes...
Poem The day starts; she’ll be fine…so much to do. She’ll make a list, but those things can wait until she does such and such. She’s dreading the moment that she’ll be alone....