Tagged: poem 45

poem about time 0


Poem About Time   The minutes, the hours The days and weeks The months, the seasons The years that leak Looking for safety Practical and prudent Stability Doing something good Righteously helping Serving a...

poem 0


Poem The wind picked up, bringing a familiar smell with it. In a rush I was taken back. I smiled, but the moment zipped on, the gust was Too strong. I went farther back....

poem about defeat 0


Poem   I stand atop this barren hill as a calm wind blows through my skin, wrapping tightly around each bone of my skeleton like the tension of a silk ribbon in the soft...

read life poems 0

Ink and Paper

Poem   It is only ink and paper but still it has the power to free your mind from the box you don`t have the courage to escape ink and paper easily destroyed by...

Surreal Poetry 0

Add – Ambiance

Surreal Poetry   Undeniable is a word That I can leave out of my vocabulary when I hang with you There’s…there’s just too much of A take away in your midst People reflect upon...

body poem 0

The Last Night

Poem   I pressed myself into your body Trying to create an imprint in my mind of what you felt like Smelled like Were like To last me the next 10,000 years Of the...