Tagged: religion

haibun poem 0

Tai Chi Practice

Haibun Poem   “White Crane Spreads its Wings” Sunlight rippling off the Ramapo River Deep breath in. During commencement, I raise soft, rounded arms. They ascend, roll and descend. Deep breath out. As I...

Gothic Short Stories 0

Holy Men in Unholy Times – Part Two

Gothic Short Stories   The bright fluorescent light of James’ lantern pierced the darkness of the ancient catacombs, buried in the deepest corners of the Vatican. Books lay scattered and rotting among piles of...

Believes Poem 0


Poem   Light thinned the world and ebbed with his breath as he wept: Why do you forsake me? I loved you more than my own. I would take your death thirty-fold than choose...

Short Religious Story 0

A Treatise On Before

Short Religious Story   A Before Treatise Before time, space, matter, force or motion came forth in power from the Creator of All, His Seraphim, Lucifer also called the Morning Star blaspheme with mutinous...

Empty Lot 0

One Who’s You

I woke up with Jesus in my fist. He was a well-groomed, handsome brunette with modest beard and a perfectly symmetrical face. He wiggled free a little and said “You don’t believe in me.”...