Tagged: serial fiction

short stories about misfits 0

Animal Dilemmas – Dragonfish Chameleon

Short Story   The Chameleon finished enjoying the sun and the chat with Lemur. It enjoyed a good conversation but the Lemur’s beliefs were clouding its own. It preferred conversing with its own kind...

short stories about belonging 0

Animal Dilemmas – Chameleon Lemur

Short Story The Lemur left relived and uplifted. It put the shell back on its neck and started leaping from tree to tree. It forgot about its troop and dying. It thought that even...

african animals 0

Animal Dilemmas – Lemur Oyster

Short Story The boat hugged the coast for a while longer before it made a turn for the open sea. The two giants navigating the small vessel in turns made no conversation. While one...

Man Smiling, funny fiction 2

The Human Comedy: The Afghani Waiter

Short Story Mark and Dana had never tried Afghani cuisine before. They weren’t sure they’d ever try it again, but their friends had recommended the place, which felt exactly like they supposed an Afghani restaurant was supposed to...

Short Funny Stories 5

The Human Comedy: Small Change

Short Story The young woman felt for the subway beggar. She always felt for the subway beggars. Sometimes she gave, sometimes she didn’t. It depended on their appearance, their spiel, their perceived credibility …...

fiction about orphans 0

Bryn’s Tale – Part One

Short Story I was nine when my parents were murdered. We lived in a small cottage in the English woods. My father worked at a hardware store in town and my mother spent her...