Tagged: weekly chapter

Couple in Love 0

Be Wary of Wishes – Part Three

Entry 2 I just don’t feel comfortable enough sharing with anyone what Nolan has just told me. The past few days he has been behaving in such a strange manner. I never felt that...

Abandoned Living Room 0

Zedlist – Part Seventeen

“The revolution will not be televised.” Kevin said, “No one ever said anything about it not being broadcast on the radio. Think about it, it’s the perfect medium. No one needs to know who...

Fountain Park in Baku 0

Be Wary of Wishes – Part Two

At this point it was nearly 10pm and although a part of Erica wanted to just go for it, something about going through with it made her hesitate. Yet after reminding herself that she...

serial story 0

Cups with Coriander: Sip Two

Serial Story   I waited for Ethan to collect himself. He ran a hand over his head, pushed his hair back and exhaled heavily. That look was unmistakable; there was only one person I...

Demon 0

Zedlist – Part Sixteen

Alex sat waiting in the front room, what he was waiting for hadn’t been made entirely clear. Kevin had been upstairs all day, but had asked him to be in. At seven thirty, almost...

Eagle, short story about winning and losing 2

Animal Dilemmas – Eagle Bat

Short Story The Bat was fully aware that it has just fought its last battle. Its legs were broken and its wings tired. With the little strength it had left, it adjusted its body...

Park 0

Be Wary of Wishes – Part One

Up until a week ago Erica had figured that all of the exciting times of her youth had been memories, so far detached that she could barely see them as her own. For the...

Short Ghost Stories Temple 0

The Ghost of Humanity – Part Two

Short Ghost Stories For lack of anything better to do, he “stepped” back in to his apartment.  It took a couple of tries, which involved winding up halfway through a brick wall, standing about...

Big Atlantic Wave 0

Zedlist – Part Fifteen

Colin was standing on a pebbled beach looking out to sea, wearing only a pair of skimpy swimming trunks, his pot belly exposed and sun burnt nose resembling an overcooked cocktail sausage. The warm...