Thanksgiving Weekend 2012

Haibun Poem
Thanksgiving Day, November 22nd
Another wave of sickness strikes. I’m on my knees over the master bath toilet. Orange-and-brown bile fills water and stains the porcelain rim, along with the painted walls and freshly-washed tile.
Blackness. A slow awakening, questions. How did I get here? Why did I wake up in Dad’s bed?
All I know for sure is the sickness. And the company I’ve abandoned.
brittle leaves
covering the yard
early departures
November 23rd
Grass has grown full and green over Dad’s grave. The monument looks as new as the first day I saw it last summer.
Mom, Rob and I stare in silence. It’s her anniversary — the first without him. She hasn’t shed a tear today —yet.
leafless maples
Interstate traffic noise
drones on
photograph by Annie Spratt

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[…] first published in Image Curve, December 3, 2015 […]