Who Could I Have Been

Life Poetry
Life can bring you funny moments
when you question everything
and think of all the different paths
you could have taken.
Your choices define you
and build your person
but isn’t it strange
to think of
what could have been done
Isn’t it marvellous to look at the sky
and wonder
what if that star fell
on another day
in another place
and heard my wish?
Amused by the bright city lights
I wonder
who else could I be
besides me?
With the strong conviction
of not being the only one,
I feel the need of looking back
analysing, cutting, carefully
understanding every single move
and planning.
But then a butterfly stops on my hand
and smiles.
Isn’t it marvellous to breath for a moment
and freeze
while adrenalin runs through your blood
in the awaiting for the moment to stop?
Isn’t that life?
photograph by Jason Ortego